mánudagurinn 7. janúar 2019
Gísli Súrsson in Reykjavík
The award-winning Icelandic saga theatre play Gísli Súrsson will be performed in English in Tjarnarbio Reykjavik. First show is tonight 7. january at 20.00 o'clock. Tickets on www.tix.is Next shows are 14. and 22. of january.
The play Gísli Súrsson is based on the great Icelandic saga, The Saga of Gísli Súrsson, which is one of the most famous and popular of all the sagas. Gísli Súrsson was a great Icelandic Viking that came from Norway at a young age and moved to Haukadalur in the Westfjords of Iceland. Everything is peaceful there to begin with, but that peace will not last. As the story unfolds that peace is shattered and a time of great unrest follows.
Gísli Súrsson first premiered in 2005 and has been performed over 350 times in Iceland and all across Europe, including performances in Albania, Germany, Luxemburg and Norway. The play has won awards at two international theatre festivals.
The dates for Gísli Súrsson in Tjarnarbíó are:
January: 7, 14, 22
February: 5, 12, 25
All shows starts at 20.00 o'clock
Tickets at www.tix.is
19.10.2021 / 11:32
Leiksýningar til sölu
Vantar þig leiksýningu fyrir hátíðina, hópinn, fyrirtækið eða mannamótið. Við höfum úrval leiksýninga í boði fyrir þig og sýnum um land allt. Nánari upplýsingar í síma: 891 7025 eða á komedia@komedia.is Kómedíuleikhúsið - leikhúsið í vestri Bakkabræður - Dimmalimm -... Meira10.09.2021 / 11:06